Food is Medicine
Food is Medicine Blog materials are curated to create a nutrition-educated community.
Our current collections focus on 6 major areas, providing tips & tricks for living a
full life with special dietary needs.
These articles are meant for informational purposes; please talk with your physician or medical personnel before making any dietary changes
UN Report Shows that Record Food Prices are Affecting Food Security
Of the global food import bill, countries are estimated to 10% more from last year for foodstuffs. In other words, food prices are affecting food security for people all across the globe.
White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health: Plenaries & Panels
You can now watch every plenary and panel session from the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health here.
The Gap: Food Security and Nutrition Security
Here at Food Equality Initiative, our mission is to fight for nutrition security and health equity for all. Food insecurity affects 42 million Americans right now, what about nutrition insecurity? What is the difference between food security and nutrition security?
The Food is Medicine Movement
The sooner we can get people the medicine they need in the form of healthy food, the sooner we can improve public health.
Food is Medicine for Food Allergies
In food allergy, we sometimes forget to think of food in a positive sense; that food can actually make you feel better. Food is medicine for food allergies.
Food is Medicine for Celiac Disease
It takes collaboration with a registered dietician to learn how to eat gluten free in a way that nourishes the body. Food is medicine for celiac disease.
Food is Medicine for EoE
Food is medicine for EoE in the sense that it is broadening people’s viewpoints to think outside the box: ‘hey, my child is being treated, it just isn’t a pill.'
Food is Medicine
Medicine was traditionally viewed as a drug, but we are understanding more that healthy food is medicine and should be made more accessible.Medicine was traditionally viewed as a drug, but we are understanding more that healthy food is medicine and should be made more accessible.
“Axe the Food Tax”
Food Equality Initiative signed on to a letter of support, urging Kansas lawmakers to pass a straight-forward bill to end the food tax.
The Medical Nutrition Equity Act of 2021
Nearly 40 states require some type of coverage for necessary medical nutrition. However, not everyone meets this coverage.
FEI Advocate: Nehgar
Nehgar said, "I would love to do anything to help families across the nation, because it is really necessary. People are struggling."
FEI Advocate: Dawn
Dawn said: I need to go to advocate. Someone can benefit from my story. People need to know what it is like to be an adult with food allergies.
The Grocery Store: A Scavenger Hunt
In order to get the free-from foods their bodies require, food allergic and celiac individuals have to spend a lot more on grocery shopping.
Food Laws: Intro to Changemaking
Thank you so much for joining us for part one of our new webinar series, Food Laws: Intro to Changemaking.
The Food Labeling Modernization Act
This bill is a comprehensive effort to address numerous food labeling issues to require that food product packaging must disclose gluten-containing grains.
The History of Epinephrine
Epinephrine auto-injectors are devices used to deliver life-saving medication called epinephrine, also known as adrenaline.
Adding Sesame as Major Allergen
Food Equality Initiative signed on to a letter directed to Steven Hahn, Commission of Food and Drugs at the US Food and Drug Administration to add sesame as 9th top allergen.
A Brief History of the National School Lunch Program
Schools are required to accommodate all levels of food allergy at lunch because this is widely interpreted as a disability which is protected by law from discrimination.
Follow FEI's Founder
Our founder, Emily Brown, has been nothing but busy since stay at home orders began.
Notable Black Voices In Food Allergy
Thank you for joining us for our webinar, For the Health: A Conversation on Race and Food Allergy. Our first installment brought together expert Black voices in the food allergy space.